Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act


CCNA Program


Florida State Statutes 287.055 is known as “Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA)” which governs the following professional work:

  • Architects
  • Landscape Architects
  • Engineers
  • Surveyors
  • Mappers.

The Procurement Division is responsible for administering the CCNA program for the City. Any firm desiring to provide professional services must first be pre-qualified by the City for the particular Types of Work.

Firms seeking to become prequalified for types of work, or firms seeking to renew prequalification status are required to complete and submit the Application for Pre-Qualification as a Professional Consultant. The Application provides instructions and the list of the types of work the City may require, including the minimum requirements to be met in order to become prequalified by the City. Once prequalified, firms are certified for a period of two years during which it is the firm's responsibility to notify the City of all corporate updates, personnel and classification changes of the firm's pre-qualifier(s).

An application may be accessed by emailing Procurement.