Budget Planning

How our city spends its money is important and affects us all. Just like many people have a budget at home, we make a budget here at the City to make sure we spend wisely, fairly and efficiently for the whole community.

What is the budget, and why should I care?

How our city spends money and sets priorities can have a big effect on our everyday lives. For example, what West Palm Beach spends on streets and sidewalks can determine how easily we get to work or whether our kids can walk to school. What our city spends on streetlights or police affects how safe we feel in our neighborhood. How we plan for our future can determine whether our city thrives or fades in the coming decades.

Where does the city’s money come from?

In West Palm Beach, there’s an annual plan that lays out where money should be spent across the whole community. Where do those dollars come from? Some come from our property taxes, and the water, garbage, and utility fees we each pay. Other funds come from state and federal grants and the bonds which we, as taxpayers, pay back over time.

How is the city’s money spent?

Just like our personal budget, the City’s budget is divided into two types of expenses: operating and capital. For us as residents, operating expenses are the costs we pay to live—like our electric and water bills. For the City, it means paying for the services we all use like street cleaning, police and fire. It also means keeping each department and facility up and running. Capital expenses are one-time purchases or upgrades. For us as residents, this might mean buying a car or fixing up the house. For the City, it means paying for new fire stations, road development, or improving a tired out area. How the City spends money comes from decisions made by the City of West Palm Beach Mayor and City Administration, with approval from your City Commission. They make those decisions based on a number of things: The City’s long-range plans, local data, future forecasts and—most importantly—feedback from you! Your opinions are important because they listen to you throughout the year before final decisions are made. So, tell us what’s important for you, your business and your family!

Download a copy of the FY 24 Budget in Brief

Download a copy of the FY 24 Budget (PDF)

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