25th Street Improvements Project

We Need Your Comments and Input 

Thank you for attending this important community event. 

Comments are still being accepted. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

Project announcement and Community Meeting, May 29, 2024, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Eva W. Mack Community Resource Center, 1540 N. Australian Ave.

The City of West Palm Beach is conducting the 25th Street Improvements Project. The improvements include repurposing the existing four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway, as well as new bicycle facilities, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades, milling and resurfacing of existing pavement, new six-foot sidewalk on 25th Street, signing/marking upgrades, connectivity to the Australian Avenue and US 1/Broadway Avenue, and minor drainage improvements. The project location is 25th Street, between Australian Avenue and U.S. Highway 1.

The project budget is $7,032,509.The facility is being developed, designed, and constructed with federal funds through the Local Agency Program (“LAP”). This Project Fact Sheet (Spanish) provides information about improvements. 

Project Features

The project features a Complete Streets approach and supports the safe use and mobility of all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transit riders, regardless of age or ability.

  1. New bicycle lanes, with safety features, will connect residents to jobs, school, and neighborhoods.
  2. New sidewalks will ensure ADA compliance to provide access for people of all abilities.
  3. Between the SFRTA and Tamarind Avenue, the road will be narrowed to two lanes. Construction will not exceed the existing roadway pavement depth to ensure no adverse impacts to the Storm of‘ 28 Memorial Park or areas of cultural or historic significance.
  4. Roads will be paved to eliminate potholes and improve functionality. Landscaping will be added (except between SRFTA/Tamarind Avenue) to provide shade, climate benefits and beautification.

West Palm Beach 25th Street_20240515_153811_0001

Project Timeline

Project Timeline from grant application in 2018 to projected completion in 2026

Proposed Improvements

The City and it's consultant, DDEC, LLC, have come up with three concepts  for the three main sections of the project. Each one incorporates vehicle travel lanes, bicycle lanes and sidewalks. The three proposed project sections are for Australian Avenue to the for three segments of the project between Australian Avenue and Broadway crossing both the Tri-Rail/SFRTA and the Florida East Coast/Brightline railroad tracks. 

Australian to SFRTA

 25th_Street_Australian Ave. to SFRTATri-Rail

25th_Street_Australian Ave. to SFRTATri-Rail2

  SFRTA to Tamarind

25th_Street_SFRTATri-Rail to Tamarind Ave

Tamarind to Broadway

25th_Street_Tamarind Ave. to US-1Broadway Ave3



Bicycle Lane Design Options

Also under consideration are four types of bicycle lanes and separation options. Two options provide concrete barrier separations, a third includes bollards and a fourth has pavement markings. Under Florida law a motor vehicle shall yield three feet between a vehicle and a bicycle. 

25th Street - Bike Lanes Options 1 and 2

25th Street - Bike Lanes alternative Options 1 and 2

When will this project be constructed?
How does this project benefit the neighborhood?
What feedback is the City currently seeking?
How can I add my comments to this proposed project?