Broadway Avenue Improvements FAQ

What is Broadway Reimagined?

  • The Broadway Corridor Improvements project is a city’s effort to make convert Broadway Avenue to a four-lane undivided roadway with multiuse paths lined with shade trees along the corridor.  The City of West Palm Beach is currently working with FDOT to make improvements along the corridor such as upgrade crosswalks, improvements to visibility, providing shade trees and reducing speeds.

What are the project limits?

  • The project will impact Broadway Avenue in West Palm Beach between 25th St. and 45th St.  This section of Broadway belongs to the Florida Department of Transportation

What are the project objectives? 

  • This project will improve pedestrian and bicyclist access to the City’s and County’s broader transportation network, and connecting citizens to schools, parks, transit facilities, and commercial centers. This would be accomplished by the following:

  1. Maintaining vehicle access
  2. Enhance pedestrian and bicyclist mobility
  3. Upgrading the existing crosswalks
  4. Improving aesthetics and visibility
  5. Enhance ADA compliant ramps
  6. Providing shade trees

How will the project improve safety?

  • By designing for a lower design speed of 30MPH, vehicle will travel at a safe distance and reduce traffic crashes.

What is a shared-use path?

  • A shared-use path is a shared space for pedestrian and bicyclist to use. This space is separated from cars, so people are safe to walk and bike to their destination.
  • The shared use path on Broadway is designed at 12’ on the East side of the corridor.

Why is the shared-use path on the East side and not the West?

  • The shared-use path was determined to on the East side due to the limited driveways curb cuts and side street access. 
  • For safety, there is less access that mean there is less conflict. 
  • For the West side, the zoning will be updated for new developments to allocate an additional 6’ for sidewalk easement to establish a shared-use trail as the City gain more redevelopment.

Will access be limited?

  • Access will improve because the existing median will be removed and reallocated for a trail and a wider sidewalk.
  • A midblock crosswalk is installed to help pedestrian cross Broadway from the East to the West and provide a safe place for kids to get to Northboro Elementary and the Boys and Girls Club.

Will there be lighting?

  • Yes.  Lighting is an important element to improve safety along the corridor.

What kind of trees will be installed?

  • Trees and tree location will be determined during the design phase.  Since this is a FDOT roadway, the landscape architect will be designing this project per FDOT design standards for sight triangle for side streets and driveways.  

When will Broadway North of 45th Street be improved?

  • Currently the City is focused on south of 45th Street for approval from the Florida Department of Transportation.  Once phase 1 of Broadway is approved and funding is appropriated, the city plan to move to the Northern section for Phase 2.

What is the project timeline?

  • A typical capital improvement project on FDOT’s work program take approximately 5 years to plan, design and be in construction.
  • Broadway reimagined is currently under the planning phase, once that phase is complete, the project will follow FDOT’s schedule for design procurement and roadway design. 
  • The project is projected to be under construction in FY2027

Why is it important to show my support for the project?

  • Community support is the number one key for the City to obtain project approval from FDOT and funding from the Palm Beach TPA (Transportation Planning Agency). 
  • This project will always be in the planning phase and cannot be advanced to the design phase until there is unity in community support.

Where can I provide project feedback?

  • You can show your support by writing a letter to your commissioner, writing to City Engineering Staff, or by filling out the support form