Safe Water Dashboard

What are cyanotoxins?  Cyanotoxins can be produced by blue-green algae when certain conditions exist, such as in warm water containing an abundance of nutrients. If not removed during drinking water treatment, exposure to cyanotoxins above health advisory levels may be harmful.  What are harmful algal blooms? Harmful algal blooms are overgrowths of algae in water. Some produce toxins in fresh or marine water.This page is dedicated to keep you informed on cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria  (blue-green algae) and will notify the public about test results that are above the Environmental Protection Agency's health advisory levels.  If test results show cyanotoxin levels exceeding health advisory levels, we will notify you through multiple communication channels that may include direct mailing, news releases, website updates, social media and utility bill inserts. 


Testing Locations

Our test locations are the intake to the water treatment plant, the point water enters the water distribution system, and in the water distribution system.

A. Water treatment plant intake

B. Point of entry (POE) to the water distribution system   

C. Water distribution system  (eight sites)


The frequency of sampling can range from bi-weekly to weekly to daily depending on the sample results; the higher the toxin level the greater the frequency and number of sites sampled. 


Current Test Results

 Status: Safe to Drink

SITE  DATE  RESULTS (micrograms per liter)

 A. Source water intake into the Water            Treatment Plant.

7/29/2024  Not detected

 B. Point of entry (POE) into the water  distribution system

7/29/2024  Not detected
 C. Within the water distribution system    Not tested unless POE exceeds health   advisory level