Less Meat, Less Heat

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Want to do your part for climate change? Adopt a plant-rich diet!

Shifting to an eating pattern rich in plants and low in animal-based foods reduces global warming and chronic disease—which means it’s good for you AND good for the planet. Reducing global demand for meat and dairy can save a huge amount of energy, water, land and other resources. Delicious and nutritious plant-based proteins of all kinds are gaining popularity and are more widely available than ever before. It's never been easier or more enjoyable to increase the number of plants you eat. Start small and target one day per week!



Healthy, Meatless Recipes from the Mayo Clinic

United Nations: ACT NOW Sustainable Recipes

Meatless Monday Recipes


More Information

Project Drawdown: Plant-Rich Diets

Meatless Monday

USDA My Plate: Vary Your Protein Routine

FDACS: Florida Crops in Season

Harvard: Healthy Eating Pyramid

The Carbon Footprint of the Food Supply Chain