Press Releases

City of West Palm Beach Recent Policy Actions

Post Date:06/18/2020 8:13 AM

Below is a summary of some of the approvals and decisions made by the City Commission at a meeting on Monday, June 15, 2020. To watch meetings live or to watch recorded meetings on-demand, please visit: or

  • Approved providing additional appropriations for the Martin Luther King (MLK) Memorial Refurbishment/Improvements in the amount of $67,449.46. The Currie Park Boat Ramp project was completed in early 2020, and there is $67,449.46 left in the project budget in the Capital Acquisition Fund 304. The appropriations of these funds would provide for a total amount of $305,539.45 to complete the MLK Refurbishment project.
  • Approved a substantial amendment to allocate awarded CARES Act program funds in the 2019 Annual Action Plan to eligible activities, reallocate CDBG program fund in the 2019 Annual Action Plan to eligible activities to support COVID-19 response, and allocate unallocated program funds or program income to eligible activities. The CARES Act provides supplemental CDBG (CDBG-CV) and HOPWA (HOPWA-CV) funding for grants to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. The City was awarded a total $597,108 under the CDBG-CV program and $467,782 under HOPWA Program supplement funds. In accordance with 24 CFR 91.505, the City is submitting a substantial amendment to HUD to allocate CARES Act CDBG-CV and HOPWA-CV Program funds in the current Annual Action Plan as well as reallocate CDBG Program funds to support eligible activities responding to COVID-19.
  • Approved a Data Provision and Confidentiality Agreement between the City and Palm Beach County. On January 30, 2017, by Resolution 36-17, the City Commission authorized the City and Palm Beach County’s execution of a Data Provision and Confidentiality Agreement (the “2017 Agreement”) whereby the City agreed to maintain HOPWA health and housing services data in the County’s Provide Enterprise system and the City and County agreed to share access to client-level data for clients who receive both Ryan White Part A and HOPWA services. The City and the County, continue to find that the sharing of data enhances the ability of each agency to provide this vital service and as such desire to renew the terms of this partnership by executing a new Data Provision and Confidentiality Agreement to provide the terms and conditions for sharing such data.
  • Approved ratifying the submittal for an amendment to the grant award from FEMA for the hurricane hardening at the City's Water Treatment Plant to remove the Project Management costs and amending the Water and Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund budget in accordance with the amended grant agreement. Following Hurricane Dorian, the City obtained a FEMA Wind Mitigation Grant through the Florida Department of Emergency Management. The Grant addresses the hardening of the Administration and East Pump House buildings to Category 5 winds of 187 miles per hour. The City was required to submit a request to amend the grant agreement to remove the Project Management costs from the grant or risk losing nearly $715,000 in federal dollars by June 1, 2020.
  • Approved grant proceeds and provides appropriations for the Library Teen Homework Center in the amount of $23,000 from the West Palm Beach Library Foundation. Funding will continue to support the Teen Homework Center by employing local and certified public-school teachers. The teachers will provide homework assistance in a safe and inviting setting for teens four nights a week at the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach. Not only will the teens receive homework assistance but also they can also take part in Get-That-Job courses, STEAM workshops, and college preparation classes.
  • Approved appropriations for a Water and Sewer Customer Service Process Improvement project and various Water, Sewer, and Stormwater capital projects totaling $4,470,000.

For a complete list of the approvals and decisions made at the June 15, 2020 City Commission Meeting, please click here to view the pass/fail agenda.

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