Press Releases

Vulnerable Populations Water Advisory Update and Water Distribution Update (June 1, 2021)

Post Date:06/01/2021 4:16 PM

Bound for FDEP in Tallahassee, lab samples are carried across the tarmac at PBIA by City of West Palm Beach Asst. Fire Chief Brent Bloomfield and Public Utilities Laboratory Manager John Maxted

Bound for FDEP in Tallahassee, lab samples are carried across the tarmac at PBIA by City of West Palm Beach Asst. Fire Chief Brent Bloomfield and Public Utilities Laboratory Manager John Maxted

 WEST PALM BEACH, FLA (June 1, 2021) – The City of West Palm Beach Vulnerable Populations Water Advisory remains in effect. Vulnerable populations, as outlined in the advisory, should continue to follow the advisory. The advisory was issued after Cylindrospermopsin, a toxin produced by cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae), was detected by the city in the water system. The city proactively tests for the toxin, and the test isn’t required routinely for Treatment Facilities. Individuals not listed in the advisory may continue to use the water to drink, cook and bathe. The city anticipates being able to lift the Water Advisory upon receipt of test results.  To read the May 28, 2021 advisory, click here!


This morning, the Public Utilities Department collected multiple samples, and with assistance of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, City of West Palm Beach Public Utilities Laboratory Manager John Maxted flew lab samples of city water to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee for testing. The flight, which was facilitated by Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, was conducted by PBSO aboard the agency’s plane.

The city intends to send additional samples to Tallahassee on Wednesday, June 2. Once the results return showing a decrease of the blue-green algae toxin, the city will work with the Florida Department of Health to begin the process of lifting the advisory.


  • POD TO OPERATE WEDNESDAY: The City of West Palm Beach will continue to operate a point of distribution (POD) at Gaines Park, 1501 N. Australian Avenue, for the distribution of water to vulnerable populations impacted by the Drinking Water Advisory. On Wednesday, the Gaines Park POD will operate from 9 a.m. – noon.
  • DISTRIBUTION TO DATE: By noon on June 1, the City of West Palm Beach had distributed 199,500 bottles (137 pallets) over four days of POD operation.


The presence of the algal toxin is the result of environmental conditions. Public Utilities could not have prevented its development. When the blue-green algae toxin presented, the City of West Palm Beach Department of Public Utilities took immediate steps to mitigate the impacts and began Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment and, later, temporary free chorine water disinfection. The City has also introduced groundwater from the Eastern Wellfield and Western Wellfield to help reduce levels of algae in the system.


All advisories are posted on the city’s website

  • To read the Vulnerable Populations Drinking Water Advisory issued May 28, 2021, click here!
  • To read the Temporary Free Chlorine Water Disinfection for Water Customers Served by City of West Palm Beach Public Utilities, click here!


  • Should the public have any questions about the Water Advisory or for additional information, please call the city’s hotline: (561) 822-2222 (TTY 800-955-8771).
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