Press Releases

City of West Palm Beach Road & Dock Closures Update: Week of November 22, 2020

Post Date:11/19/2020 11:37 AM


  • Clematis St. Parking Garage (Sunday, November 22, 2020, 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.):  Upper levels of the Clematis Parking Garage, located at 500 Banyan Blvd., will close for construction/maintenance, 6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Parking during construction hours will be restricted to the first floor only.  All levels of the garage will reopen for guests at 2:00 p.m.


  • Banyan Complete Streets Project- Phase 1: Banyan Blvd. between Australian Ave. and Quadrille Blvd. (through 2022): Intermittent eastbound traffic adjustments for mobility, landscaping, and utility improvements. Eastbound and westbound traffic on Banyan Blvd. will be maintained during the construction period.
  • 26th St. between Flagler Dr. and Poinsettia Ave. (through Friday, December 4, 2020): Road closure for emergency repairs.
  • Forest Hill Blvd. between Martin Ave. and South Olive Ave. (through mid-December 2020): Motorists should expect slow traffic as construction crews rehabilitate storm sewer pipes.
  • Roseland Dr. between Morton Ave. and South Dixie Hwy. (through mid-December 2020): Motorists should expect slow traffic as construction crews rehabilitate storm sewer pipes.
  • North Flagler Dr. between 54th St. and 59th St. (December 2020): Motorists should expect slow traffic as construction crews rehabilitate storm sewer pipes.
  • 600 block of Clematis St. (through December 2020): Road closure for the Clematis Streetscape project. Local traffic will be maintained for residents, the police department, and the United States Postal Service office.
  • Park Place between Parker Ave. and South Dixie Hwy. (through January 2021): Roadway repair in the westbound right-of-way. No road closure is anticipated. Motorists should expect slower traffic near the construction zone.
  • Division Ave. between 23rd St. and 25th St. (through mid-February 2021): Lane closures for installation of a new water main. Access to all businesses will be maintained.
  • Elizabeth Ave. between Clare Ave. and Caroline St. (through mid-December 2020): Local traffic only on Elizabeth Ave. for a drainage installation project.
  • 7th St. between Sapodilla Ave. and Rosemary Ave. (through Friday, November 27, 2020): Road closure for roadway upgrades and resurfacing.


  • 500 Block Merchant Weekend Street Closure produced by DDA (Friday, November 27, 2020, 4:00 p.m. until Sunday, November 29, 2020, 10:00 p.m.) Road closure for 500 block of Clematis St.
  • GreenMarket in the City Commons produced by City of West Palm Beach Community Events (Saturday, November 28, 2020, 5:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.): Road closures on:
    • North & South Clematis St.
    • Narcissus St. between Banyan Blvd. & North Clematis St.
    • Lantana Ave. between Banyan Blvd. & North Clematis St. 


  • South Dixie Hwy. between Clematis St. and Datura St. (through Wednesday, November 25, 2020): Full road closure nightly, 9:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m., for FPL underground utility work.
  • Datura St. between Quadrille Blvd. and South Dixie Hwy. (through early 2022): Westbound lane closure for construction of a senior living facility.  Motorists should use Clematis St. or Evernia St. as westbound alternatives.


  • Wabasso Dr. south of Okeechobee Blvd. (until further notice): Periodic northbound and southbound lane closures with traffic shifts for utility work.
  • Australian Ave.  south of Belvedere Rd. (until further notice): Periodic northbound right lane closures for sidewalk connection.  
  • Australian Ave. from 53rd to 45th St. (until further notice): Periodic southbound lane closures. Periodic northbound left turn lane and westbound right lane closures at 45th St. and North Australian Ave. for utility work.
  • Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. at Carver Ave. (until further notice): Carver Ave. closed for underground utility installation.  Motorists should access Carver Ave. via Australian Ave. south to 7th St., east to Carver Ave.
  • Greenwood Ave. north of 45th St. (until further notice): Periodic southbound lane closures for driveway and sidewalk connections and utility work.
  • Northlake Blvd. at Memorial Park Road (until further notice): Periodic westbound left turn lane closures and southbound right lane closures for utility work.
  • 45th St. at Corporate Wy. (until further notice): Westbound left turn lane closure for road improvements.
  • 45th St. east of northbound I-95 to the northwest corner North Shore Drive (until further notice): Periodic westbound right lane closure for utility work.
  • Roebuck Rd. from Jog Rd. to Haverhill Rd. (until further notice): Periodic lane closures with flaggers controlling traffic for road construction.
  • For more information, contact PBC Engineering & Public Works: (561) 684-4000 or


  • Vehicle Detection & Traffic Signals Improvement Project (through Summer 2021): This improvement project is upgrading traffic signalization with video vehicle detection (camera) systems at area intersections.  Motorists should expect slower traffic and construction activity at the following intersections:
  • 45th St at Corporate Way
  • 45th St at Haverhill Rd.
  • Quadrille Blvd. at Hibiscus St.
  • I-95 northbound and southbound on-ramps at Okeechobee Blvd. (through Spring 2021): Three I-95 southbound inside lanes will be closed nightly at Okeechobee Boulevard, Sunday through Thursday. Two lanes will close at 9 p.m., and the third lane will close at 11:30 p.m. All lanes will open at 5 a.m. Detours:
  • Eastbound traffic approaching the I-95 northbound on-ramp will be directed east to U-turn at Parker Ave., then west on Okeechobee Blvd. to the northbound on-ramp.
  • Westbound traffic approaching the I-95 southbound on-ramp will be directed west to U-turn at Church St., then east on Okeechobee Blvd. to the southbound on-ramp.
  • Eastbound Okeechobee Blvd. between Indian Rd. and Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. (through Tuesday, November 24, 2020): One of three lanes closed, 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for driveway widening.
  • Eastbound Forest Hill Blvd. between Pine Tree Lane and Norton Ave. (through Tuesday, November 24, 2020): One of three lanes closed, 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for underground utility installation.
  • Southbound Quadrille Blvd. between Banyan Blvd. and 3rd St. (through Tuesday, November 24, 2020): Intermittent lane closures, 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for underground utility and pole installation
  • Northbound Quadrille Blvd. between Evernia St. and Datura St. (through Tuesday, December 1, 2020): One of three lanes closed, 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for pole and equipment installation.
  • Westbound Okeechobee Blvd. between South Sapodilla Ave. and South Rosemary Ave. (through Friday, January 15, 2020): One of four lanes closed, 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for underground utility installation.
  • Flagler Dr. between Southern Blvd. and Worth Ct. North. (through summer 2021): will be closed for roadway reconstruction as part of the Southern Blvd. bridge replacement project. Access is maintained for local traffic only. Flagler Dr. sidewalks, from Southern Blvd. to Worth Ct. N., and the Southern Blvd. south sidewalk, from Washington Rd. to Flagler Dr., will remain closed through summer 2021. Detours:
    • Traffic going north of Flagler Dr. should:
      • Go west on Worth Ct. N. to Washington Rd.;
      • Go north on Washington Rd. to Southern Blvd;
      • Go east on Southern Blvd. to Flagler Dr.
    • Traffic going south on Flagler Dr. should:
      • Go west on Southern Blvd. to Washington Rd.;
      • Go South on Washington Rd. to Worth Ct N.;
      • Go east on Worth Court N. to Flagler Dr.
  • Pedestrians using Flagler Dr. between Southern Blvd. and N. Worth Ct. should:
  • Use the east Flagler Dr. sidewalk.
  • Pedestrians using Southern Blvd., between Washington Rd. and Flagler Dr. should:
  • Use the north Southern Blvd. sidewalk.


  City of West Palm Beach Road and Dock Closure Updates are issued weekly by the City and may be viewed via the:


To contact the City of West Palm Beach traffic/transportation/engineering office, please call (561) 494-1040 (TTY 800-955-8771).

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