CRA Meetings & Special Events

Vision Blum Park Public Input Meeting (On-Site)

The CRA, City of West Palm Beach Housing and Community Development and Parks and Recreation Departments along with the West Palm Beach Housing Authority are working in conjunction with Urban Design Studio to create a visioning plan that explores the redevelopment opportunity for the parcel of land between 23rd and 22nd Street West of Spruce Avenue, within the Pleasant City Neighborhood. The goal of this redevelopment would be to activate the site and create stronger connections between revitalization efforts that have previously occurred on Northwood Road, potential future redevelopment projects along Broadway, and the Pleasant City neighborhood. It is Important that the integration of Blum Park be considered, and efforts made to preserve and enhance it as a vibrant community asset. Potential use ideas for this site, in addition to the park, include a multi-family residential building, integrated parking structure, and first floor retail. The public is encouraged to provide their input on this visioning project. In the meantime the public is encouraged to please fill out the online survey found here to provide your input on the park.

**Masks are mandatory. CDC COVID19 guidelines will be in effect. 

For more information regarding this project, please contact Sarah Mulder at or 561-822-1552. 

 Blum Park Visioning study area

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