RFP Number: 22-23-206 DL Physical and Mental Health, Wellness & Injury Reduction Program Services
The City of West Palm Beach is accepting proposals from responsible and qualified proposers to provide comprehensive physical and mental health, wellness, injury prevention training and counseling program services to first responders. The City has approximately 290 active firefighters located at nine (9) Fire Stations. The City of West Palm Beach Fire Department is the recipient of an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (“AFG”). The City of West Palm Beach intends to contract with a single qualified Proposer.
Solicitation documents may be acquired electronically by registering and logging onto the City of West Palm Beach’s third party website, DemandStar at: https://network.demandstar.com/for-business
The RFP and any addenda posted by the City on DemandStar are the only official procurement documents. The City does not post procurement solicitations on other third-party sites and is not responsible for the content posted on any third-party site other than DemandStar.
IMPORTANT. LOBBYING PROHIBITED. Contact by a Bidder (or anyone representing a Bidder) regarding this solicitation with the Mayor, any City Commissioner, officer, or City employee other than an employee of the West Palm Beach Procurement Division is grounds for disqualification.
Proposal Submittal Deadline: April 14, 2023 at 3:00 p.m., delivered or mailed to: Donna Levengood Procurement Official, City of West Palm Beach Procurement Division, 401 Clematis Street, – 5th Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Envelope must be identified as RFP No. 22-23-206 DL Physical and Mental Health, Wellness & Injury Reduction Program Services
Questions or requests for information regarding this solicitation, should be addressed only to:
Donna Levengood, Procurement Official
Email: dlevengood@wpb.org
Dir: 561-822-2109
Main: 561-822-2100