Calendar Month View

Visit the Mandel Public Library calendar to view their upcoming events! 

The Watershed That Connects Us: A Lake Worth Lagoon Speaker Series

The Lake Worth Lagoon Watershed extends as far west as Lake Okeechobee and as far east as the Atlantic Ocean. It encompasses the majority of Palm Beach County and is an integral of the Greater Everglades System. It's what connects us all - human and nonhuman alike. The Lake Worth Lagoon Speaker Series brings together local experts to discuss the complexities of our watershed and how we as a community may have a greater role in the struggle for clean drinkable, fishable, and swimmable water for all.

Join us on March 20th for a special presentation from Kayla O'Brien. This talk will cover two research studies examining microplastics in the surface waters and sediments of the Lake Worth Lagoon. Plastic pollution in the marine environment is a global occurrence. Microplastics have been documented in numerous marine systems and organisms. Coastal estuaries and beach systems are at high risk for microplastic pollution. The distribution, abundance, and hazards microplastics present in these marine environments is not fully understood but are widely recognized as needed to support efforts aiming to protect and enhance these extremely valuable marine systems.

The program is presented by the City of West Palm Beach Office of Sustainability in partnership with the Lake Worth Waterkeeper and the Mandel Public Library.

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