Actual Bank Robbers | High-energy Rock & Pop

Join 97.9 WRMF's Kevin, Virginia & Jason from the KVJ Show for an unconventional Hurricane Party - we'll have full electricity - featuring delicious food and drinks, live entertainment, and chances to win great prizes. Check out a full complement of supply vendors to help you prepare for South Florida's upcoming hurricane season, while jamming to high energy music from the Actual Bank Robbers, a 5-piece pop rock cover band based out of Tampa, Florida. Comprised of musicians who all met while working at a theme park, the band’s care-free, super fun and diverse Top 40 show has become a favorite among Tampa audiences. They play it all, from Backstreet Boys, Bon Jovi, Blink 182, to Spice Girls, to Jackson 5, and on and on, while adding exciting pop-rock energy to anything they touch!

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