Calendar Month View

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Mayoral Town Hall: South End Neighborhoods


WHO: Mayor Keith A. James, City of West Palm Beach

South End Residents & Business Owners


 Mayoral Town Hall: South End Neighborhoods

Mayor Keith A. James will provide updates on the City of West Palm Beach, south end neighborhood priorities, and his Community of Opportunity for All vision. Neighborhood-focused topics include: development of 8111 site and West Palm Golf Park, Flagler Drive paving, reinstatement of the Traffic Calming Committee, and South Olive Tennis Center. Updates will cover the area south of Okeechobee Boulevard. The town hall will be the first of four town halls that will be held in the western, southern, northern and central/downtown neighborhoods.


South Olive Tennis Center, 345 Summa St.

WHEN: March 9, 2022 6:30PM

CONTACT:  Tiffany David, Neighborhoods First Director: (561) 822-1209 (



Alcalde Keith A. James, Ciudad de West Palm Beach
Residentes y comerciantes del sur de la ciudad


Reunión Comunitaria Para Barrios del Sur

El alcalde Keith James dará actualizaciones sobre la ciudad de West Palm Beach, prioridades de los barrios del punto sur, y su visión de “una comunidad para todos.”  Los temas enfocados en el sector incluirán: desarrollo del espacio 8111 y el West Palm Golf Park, la pavimentación de Flagler Drive, la reinstalación del Traffic Calming Committee, y el South Olive Tennis Center. Las actualizaciones se referirán al área hacia el sur de Okeechobee Boulevard. Esta será la primera de cuatro reuniones comunitarias que se realizarán en los sectores del oeste, sur, norte y central.

 DONDE: South Olive Tennis Center, 345 Summa St. 
CUANDO: 9 de marzo, 2022 6:30PM


Tiffany David, directora de Neighborhoods First: (561) 822-1209 (

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