Celebrate with us as Palm Beach and Martin County's High School Seniors are awarded Pathfinder College Scholarships at 6:15 p.m.
No worries about eating dessert before heading to this month’s Screen on the Green as Uncle Louie G Italian Ices food truck will be onsite! Enjoy luscious desserts including ice cream, shakes and acai bowls from Uncle Louie G!
Luca (PG)

Official Trailer
On the Italian Riviera, an unlikely but strong friendship grows between a human being and a sea monster disguised as a human.
Food service and concessions will be available on site. Patrons should follow all CDC guidelines.
For the latest Screen on the Green happenings, follow the City of West Palm Beach on Facebook @CityofWPB, on Twitter @westpalmbch or on Instagram @westpalmbch. Unless otherwise noted, all events are FREE, pet-friendly, and located on the West Palm Beach Waterfront at 100 N. Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL • Tel: 561-822-1515 | TTY: 800-955-8771
Want to receive emails about our upcoming events? Email kmarcum@wpb.org with "Events Eblast" in the subject line and you'll always be in-the-know! Call 561-822-1515 for more information. After hours, please call 561-822-2222 for information on event cancellations.