Calendar Month View

Visit the Mandel Public Library calendar to view their upcoming events! 

Meet with the Chief - South End Meetings

The City of West Palm Beach and the West Palm Beach Police Department (WPBPD) announce ‘Meet with the Chief,’ a series of more than 30 scheduled community/police meetings hosted by Chief Frank Adderley. Residents and business owners are invited to attend. Find out how WPBPD is protecting and serving the public! Learn the latest updates about improvements to public safety and challenges fighting crime. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet Chief Adderley, ask questions, and raise concerns.


Meet with the Chief - South End Meetings

Who should attend? Residents and business owners south of Okeechobee Boulevard

Location: Cox Science Center STEM building, 4800 Dreher Trail North

Time: 6 p.m.

Dates: 3rd Wednesday of every other month

  • 3/16/22
  • 5/18/22
  • 7/20/22
  • 9/21/22
  • 11/16/22
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