Mobility improvements to improve pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist safety are being proposed for a one-mile stretch of Broadway Avenue between 25th and 45th Streets in West Palm Beach. The city is encouraging residents and business owners to show support for the project. The city is currently in danger of losing $5,000,000 in project funding from FDOT. However, with community support, the city can secure the funding to keep the project on schedule. For information, click here. To show your support for the project, click here.
Residents and business owners are invited to learn more about the project by attending an informational meeting (in-person or virtual) on Thursday, November 18, 2021, 6PM.
- In person: The Velvet Suite, 512 Northwood Rd., West Palm Beach, FL, 33407
- Virtual/Zoom: Click here for the Zoom link! (Meeting ID: 814 0126 5240, Passcode: 634315